Sunday, January 29, 2012

Update for the last few months...

Christmas and New Years

So it has been too long since
I last blogged...I have decided that I am going to try to post each month at least once. This has kind of been like my journal for the last three years! Wow how they have flown by! Today I have reflected on my life and found so my things to be grateful for! So many blessings and things and people that have brought me joy! This has been much needed reflection because school is tough....yes I'm still in school. I will graduate with my Bachelor's in Nursing in April though! I can't believe I have been in college for five whole years! It really has gone by so fast! I am so excited to be done though! So lets see what have Ty and I been up to lately. He is in school full time too and we have both been working. Me at UVRMC as a nurse (still can't believe it!) and Ty a few hours at Cabela's still. We spend every moment we can together...which is sometimes not a lot with me working three nights a week. I am loving be married to my best friend and he has truly tried to help my life be less stressful. School is taking its toll on both of us as well as sleepless nights at the hospital, but if we can just make it to April I think things will get a whole lot better:)

We spent Christmas break with his family. I had to work Christmas Eve and Christmas day.....I was not happy. So we celebrated our first Christmas sleeping lol:) We opened presents that morning when I got home from work and then went back to bed. I have some pictures I will post from Christmas. We spend New Year's Eve with my dad's family. We had our annual Wiseman New Year's Party and went bowling and laser tagging. It was so much fun! The holidays are always my favorite! Spending them with family and my hubby was the best!

Lately I have been struggling with the stress of working full time and going to school full time. There are times where I have just wanted to quit one or both and be a mom:) I am so baby hungry and I have been since I was like 12 lol:) I am trying to be patient until Tyler is ready and has a stable job, so that hopefully I can be a stay at home mom. That is my real calling in life I believe. Sure I can take care of sick people as a nurse, but I really want to take care of a family so bad! That will come I know someday. For now I'll just keep plugging through and stop and reflect like I did today, it helps so much!

Oh one last thing...Tyler and I got called to be ward missionaries for our ward. It has been an amazing experience for both of us. I went on splits with the sister missionaries a few weeks ago and I felt like a real missionary lol. The Spirit is so strong when you are teaching the basics to those children and people who don't know about the Gospel. I love it!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Officially A Registered nurse with a job!

Wow! This has been one crazy summer! First I graduated with my associates in nursing in April. At the time I was engaged and planning a wedding too. Then I took my NCLEX-RN on June 24th and passed!! Waiting those couple of days to find out if I passed or not was torture! So when I found out I passed I didn't immediately start looking for jobs because I was getting married in a couple of weeks. I was working at UVRMC at the time anyways and my manager said that she wanted to hire me as soon as there was a position available. It's definitely nice to have your foot in the door. So I was not too worried about finding a job. I got married on July 8th and went on my honeymoon. When I returned and everyone started asking me when I was going to start working as a nurse then I got a little worried. But no reason to be worried because I got a job on Monday last week working at UVRMC Medical/Surgical 6th floor at nights. So this week was my first three shifts. They were long and I'm still exhausted, but I hope I adjust soon:) So this is a picture of me going to work my first shift as an RN!! And some of my graduation pinning ceremony back in April. My aunt Amy who is also an RN pinned me there.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Newlywed and Enjoying Summer

So it has been way too long since I updated this thing sorry..
..Anyways biggest news is I'm married to a wonderful man named Tyler Toyn! Married life is so good! We went on a Baja, Mexico cruise for our honeymoon too. I was so excited to go on a cruise and it was a lot of fun. My favorite port was Catalina Island. We snorkeled at "Lovers' Cove" and saw tons of fish! Then in Mexico we went to
a natural blow hole by the ocean. Now that we are home we have been putting our apartment together in American Fork and enjoying the sun:) We just returned from a family vacation to Bear Lake. It was fun too. I went wake boarding and got up on my first try!! Having eight children under the age of six with us was definitely challenging and was a good form of birth control for me haha! Well that's a little bit of what has been going on with the Toyn' of our adventures to come soon!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Moving out...the best thing I ever did for myself!!

So as the title says I officially moved out on my own to an apartment in Orem last week! I am having a blast with roommates and cute guys:) I realize now what I have been missing in my life for the last two years! Even though it's going to be a struggle financially at times with school and everything....I plan on staying on my own now for good (until I get married of course:) I just really like the responsibility and control I have of my own life! Everyday I am learning and growing into a better person I think:) I love my roommates! I was nervous to move out not really knowing anybody I was moving in with, but it has turned out to be so roommate Tori and I clicked from the beginning, good thing since we share a room:) I am also enjoying working this summer my two jobs and not worrying about school. Between all of the that I am still a pretty busy woman and never seem to get enough sleep, but hey sleep is overrated right? :) I will try to get some pictures up of me and my roommates and friends soon to make my blog more interesting!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

School is almost over....Bring on Summer!!

Wow it has been way too long! So a little update is way is almost over!! Yay! Finals week is this week and I have already taken three of the four finals I have. They have gone pretty well...just holding my breath, hoping I get the grades I think I deserve! This semester was definitely a challenge, but I had a lot of good growing experiences:) Another exciting thing happening this week is I am moving out to an apartment!! I'm getting more and more excited about it as I pack up! It is a bitter-sweet move though...I will miss my aunt Marla and lots of friends I have made in my current ward:( But I know that it is time for a change and although I don't like it change makes us better, stronger, and grow up...which I need lol! This summer I will not be taking classes, just working and playing a lot:) I'm excited to be starting to work at the same doctor's office my mom works at....practicing my nursing skills:) Also I will still be working for Familylink (my current job). But other than that I want to just have fun and live it up with my roommates and friends! By the way I forgot to mention the scary part is I don't know any of my roommates really wish me luck! I think it will be fun though:) So one more final to go and then call me up and I will be free to party:) I am also loving the warmer weather...the sun just needs to decide to stay for good;)

Friday, January 22, 2010

A Job! I got a job! Yay!

So this week has been really interesting and good for me. I was not planning on working this semester, but this job opportunity just popped up for a job with a company called Familylink. It's a company that helps people find living relatives and do genealogy. I start on Wednesday this week. I think that it will be good since I wanted to be working this summer for sure so I can move out and have roommates again! Things seem to be working out really well for me lately. School is busy but good and I'm happy. Been on a few dates lately and just enjoying life again. I feel so blessed!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Lately with all of the tragedies of others surrounding me I feel so blessed. The earthquake in Haiti and all of the people trapped on that island without food, water, and medical supplies has made my heart ache. I wish there was more I could do to help. I feel so incredibly blessed to just have been born in America with the gospel in my life! I am blessed to be going to college and getting an education and not only having the necessities of life but enjoying so many luxuries as well! Please everyone keep praying for those in Haiti!